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Santa Catarina

Santa Catarina is a state in the southern region of Brazil, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean and several paradisiacal beauties spread across the state. Florianópolis, the capital, has several tourist attractions from past centuries, as well as beautiful beaches that delight visitors.

Santa Catarina Ports
  • Itapoá Port
    The port of Itapoá began operations in June 2011 and is considered one of the most agile and efficient terminals in Latin America and one of the largest and most important in the country in the movement of containerized cargo, according to the National Agency for Waterway Transport (ANTAQ).
  • Itajaí Port
    The port complex is considered the main port in the region, being the second largest in the country in terms of container handling, acting as an export terminal, transporting almost all of the state’s production.
  • Navegantes Port
    Portonave S/A – Terminais Portuários de Navegantes or Porto de Navegantes is a Brazilian private port located at the mouth of the Itajaí River, in the municipality of Navegantes, in the state of Santa Catarina.
  • Imbituba Port
    SCPAR Porto de Imbituba is a mixed capital company in the state of Santa Catarina, a subsidiary of the sole shareholder SC Participações e Partes. It exercises the Port Authority of the organized port of Imbituba and, therefore, is responsible for managing the infrastructure and supervising the operations of the Port of Imbituba.
  • São Francisco do Sul Port
    SCPAR Porto de São Francisco do Sul is a mixed capital company in the state of Santa Catarina, a subsidiary of the sole shareholder SC Participações e Partes. With an autonomous administration, the port works with the agility and efficiency of a private terminal, so much so that well over half of the state’s port traffic passes through it.
Aeroportos em Santa Catarina
  • Florianópolis
    O Aeroporto Internacional de Florianópolis (Hercílio Luz) é o principal aeroporto de Santa Catarina. Seu nome é uma homenagem ao governador Hercílio Luz, importante político catarinense.
  • Navegantes
    O Aeroporto Internacional de Navegantes (Ministro Victor Konder) serve toda a região do Vale do Itajaí e foi batizado em homenagem ao ministro dos Transportes do governo Washington Luís, Víctor Konder.
  • Joinville
    O Aeroporto de Joinville (Lauro Carneiro de Loyola) é operado pela Infraero. Seu nome foi dado em homenagem a um empresário e político local, Lauro Carneiro de Loyola.
Mercosul borders
  • Chuí
  • Dionísio Cerqueira
  • Foz do Iguaçu
  • Jaguarão
  • São Borja
  • Uruguaiana
  • Corumbá
2024 Capital Trade | Desenvolvido por BPM Comunicação